Every Little Swap...

As I snacked on my beetroot, celery and gem lettuce salad it got me thinking about how good it makes me feel to eat 'clean'.
For the last week I have swapped ordinary tea for green, given up bread (white and brown) and heavy things such as crumpets and soda.(Although I did sneak in a Flake...)
I no longer feel the guilt after eating of "which part of my body is THAT going to go". It has been hard not to go rummaging through the cupboards for a quick instant snack but I just keep reminding my self it will all be worth it when you stop looking like a pudgy dwarf and more like a long legged beach babe- wishful thinking indeed!

So with the help of the internet and it's nice icons I have made a small chart of swaps to try and give you and idea of how my mind is working with food.

Icons supplied by http://findicons.com

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