Focus Friday: Antioxidants

Focus Friday will be my new sub genre of this blog, with topics of focus from all parts of life such as food, mood and cats!
That's if I remember to blog every Friday...
Todays topic is Antioxidants!

Let's start with the basics
According to Google the almighty, the definition of an antioxidant is "A substance that inhibits oxidation".

Ok so in what? 
Food and our bodies.

In layman's speech our bodies weak cells split sometimes and we are left with what we call free radicals which contribute to various illnesses and ailments, this is accelerated by pollution in the environment, UVA rays from the sun and smoking (amongst others).
This is where antioxidants come in to the equation, they interact with these naughty free radical 'cells' and connect with them, stopping the damage of other vital molecules in the body.
So they may help to protect us from these factors mentioned before.

(Psst they also help with premature ageing caused by sun damage, just take a look at Sir Patrick Stewart back in the day and now.)

Where can I find Antioxidants?
Good question, now Antioxidants are pretty common in many everyday foods and vitamins. For a start foods rich in vitamins A,C and E are abundant in them so if you like citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli and bell peppers the chances are you are getting a good dose already.
Other sources are:

  • Goji Berries
  • Wild Blueberries
  • Pecans
  • Kidney Beans
  • Tomatoes
  • Green Tea
  • Grapeseeds
  • Pomegranite
  • Matcha Green Tea
  • Acai Berry

So maybe swap that third cup of tea at the office for a cup of green tea? or the next time you reach for the milk chocolate  swap it for the darkest you can find.
I'm sure our bodies will thank us for it.

Ok so that concludes this weeks Focus Friday, if there's anything you'd like me to go into depth about next friday then feel free to drop me a message or email on
Keep it clean!


Bucket List 2017

 Good Morning 2017

Where have I been hiding? I hear you ask.

Well I shall tell you, I, like many minions on this rather blue earth, have suffered from a large dose of no motivation.
5 years of blogging and then suddenly having to be an adult and work lots zapped my brain of all creativity ( or what creativity I had left) and I fell into the routine of rise, shine and sleep.

Now I have risen like the phoenix (club) and am raring to go!

Which moves me gently on to the subject of bucket lists for the year, I love bucket lists, they give me a sense of purpose and aim. I work an enjoyable retail job but sometimes even a job you enjoy can make you feel like "I need to experience somethinnggggg". Some people are right daredevils though, xtreme sports and death defying jumps FML. 
We all focus so much on status and material things in life that we forget to enjoy the moment wether it be alone or with the people we love, for example hands up who's guilty of holding up their phone at a gig for almost half the set list for most part of having a memory in hard copy and to shout out to the peasants on social media " LOOK WHERE I AM"?
I'm not saying keep your phone away from gigs, but you get me right?

Anyhow, back on track, this is my bucket list of experiences I wish to encounter this year. Whether or not I encounter them all is another matter, but they can roll on to next year no?

My main experiences up top are first priority, but I also have a short list of minor experience I wish top participate in:
  • Go to more than 1 food festival
  • Visit a new Christmas market
  • Start jogging again
  • Go to more gigs
  • Read more books
  • Support local events more

Tell me your list for the year, where do you want to go? Music Festivals, gigs? hell even BBQ's!

If you are interested in finding out what's going on around you, or want to organise your own shindig check out