Meet Ragnar: A Long Time Coming

It’s been a while since I last posted and lots has changed, from buying a house, a break up, finding a new person in my life and of course, the new cat.
If you follow me on other social media platforms you will have seen me post many pictures of our new cat which Charlie, my partner, took in from his boss who could no longer look after him.
He’s just over a year old and has such a cheeky personality, his favourite activities include sleeping (obviously), lying on his humongous cat tower and peacefully watching the other cats and people go about their daily lives through the window. He also has a fond love of fighting my arm when he doesn’t get his own way.

Now, Ragnar is a house cat due to his penchant for fighting other feline friends so we take him on short walks around the area he calls home.
He tells me where he wants to travel to and when enough is enough.
Most of the time he enjoys being able to experience new smells (particularly cars) and getting to chow down on some tasty grass, but he is very weary of other people, loud noises and of course big dogs! If any of these spook him he leaps into action and drags me straight to the front door, looking to get back into his safe place.

I do love him dearly and he makes my lonely days off more bearable and entertaining.